The Murder of a Nation By Bernard Rudny
The Armenian genocide, Mr. Rudny, is better documented in some aspects than the Jewish Holocaust. Just acquaint yourself with the first-hand accounts of American Ambassador Henry Morgenthau's (incidentally Jewish himself) interviews with Mehmet Talaat, Ismail Enver and other war-time Turkish leaders. "When the Turkish authorities gave the orders for deportations [of Armenians]," writes Morgenthau in Chapter XXIV of his Story, "they [Talaat, Enver, and others] were merely giving the death warrant to a whole race; they understood this well, and, in their conversations with me, they made no particular attempt to conceal the fact."

The "controversy" about the facts of the Armenian Genocide exists only in the minds of the people who find it difficult to come to grips with their own past or have an agenda (such as protecting Israel's "strategic partner" from any political and legal repercussions it may be facing in the United States if Congress affirms America's own diplomatic record in a resolution on the Armenian Genocide).

Marat Akopian, PhD


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