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Бывает так, что всех друзей дороже Вдруг станет незнакомый человек… И сердце без него уже не сможет… И будет ждать, как чистый первый снег… Как солнца лучик золотисто-рыжий… Как утра ждет жемчужная роса… А знаешь… ты мне стал сегодня ближе… Как будто распахнулись небеса… Тепло твое читаю между строчек… По капелькам вдыхаю твой восторг… Рассыплет небо звезды этой ночью На каждую из всех твоих дорог… И искоркою маленькой хрустальной В ладони упадет одна звезда… Я каждый вздох дарю тебе, как тайну… Чтобы остаться в сердце навсегда…
Армянин (Эссе) Дереник Демирчян
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Вы что-нибудь понимаете в армянине? Какое странное, загадочное создание! Какое обманчивое! Не сам – явление. Но что же собой представляет он сам, какова его природа? Пытаешься докопаться его сути, находишь, но тут же обнаруживаешь, что все это иллюзорно. У него беспокойное лицо, – не даст себя нарисовать. Его национальный облик также необычен. Численность населения – мизерная, страдания –титанические. Хронологически – это древнейший народ, по составу – самый неизменный. Его страна занимает наиболее неблагоприятное положение, он же упорнейшим образом цепляется за нее. Каким безнадежным кажется его будущее, но при этом какие надежды питают его! Заметим, что в жизни он не видел двух вещей – счастья и отчаянья. Как познать его, какой мерой измерить? Его мера – чрезмерность, он обладает потрясающей уравновешенностью в крайностях. Взгляните, пожалуйста, вот он, армянин: вот торговец, вот буржуа – самое скаредное из всех существ. В состоянии ли он измерить высокие материи своим аршином...
Modern Armenian Literature
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Constantinople, Tiflis, Venice, Chief Centers After the extinction of their political life, in the old homeland as well as in Cilicia, the Armenians established colonies in many lands, carrying with them the love of their language and literature. In their various alien environments, their thoughts turned with deep veneration to their ancient authors, whom they considered the champions of their national independence. Great numbers of Armenian literary centers came, therefore, into being all over the world. The remoteness of these from each other and the environment in which they developed, must naturally have influenced the direction in which each of them advanced. The Russian spirit and the German language — which was then fashionable in the land of the Tsars — exerted their influence on the Armenian communities in Moscow and Tiflis. In Constantinople, Smyrna, Venice and other Western communities, the French, Italian, and Greek cultures became p407models, while the study of the Fren...
Акушинцы – дагестанцы армянского происхождения
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Дагестан — это не просто Страна гор. Прежде всего это страна многочисленных языков и народов, количество которых, несмотря на все усилия ученого мира, до сих пор не установлено достоверно. И у каждого народа свои прославленные аулы. Один аул известен гончарами, другой – знаменитыми мастерами резьбы по камню, третий – сапожниками, четвертый – кузнецами. В одном ауле – хорошие строители мостов и дорог, в другом – прославленные мастера холодного и огнестрельного оружия. Этот аул славен качеством своего зерна, тот – прекрасными яблоками, а другой – капустой и картошкой. В этом ауле ткут ковры, радующие глаз, в другом делают платки и меховые шапки. Одни аулы гордятся учеными, вторые – знатоками арабского языка, третьи – канатоходцами. И в каждом ауле есть свои талантливые музыканты, певцы, танцоры, потому что все народы Дагестана отличаются исключительной музыкальностью. Каждый аул – это маленький мир со своим прошлым, настоящим и будущим. Каждый аул – это уникальный уголок Дагестана, в то ...
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Армянское Происхождение Чеченцев (Министерство Чеченской Республики по национальной политике,печати и информации) Древние чеченцы пришли из Урарту на Кавказ, чтобы сохранить свою самобытность, обычаи и адаты .Сегодня мы публикуем статью армянского ученого Араика Оганесовича Степаняна, кандидата философских наук, председателя Политологической Ассоциация Санкт-Петербурга. Решение Араика Степаняня передать свои исследования в «ОГ» неслучайно. Тема, которую он затронул, давно занимала умы чеченских историков. О том, что прародиной вайнахов является древнейшее царство Урарту, писали в своих научных трудах многие ученые. В начале 90-х годов прошлого века историки Армении и Чечни стали совместно заниматься этой темой. К сожалению, после развала СССР и началом военных действий на Северном Кавказе эти контакты были прерваны. Мы надеемся, что после появления этой статьи исследования в этом направлении будут продолжены. По крайней мере, как нас заверили представители армянской общественности в...
твет автору статьи Hussein Shobokshi, asharq alawsat, 29 April 2010,.... Dear editors of Asharq Alawsat and especially Mr. Shobokshi, I am, technically speaking, an Armenian. However when I am asked I usually say that I have Armenian blood and Palestinian-Syrian-Lebanese heart, so you decide for yourself... I could be called an Armeno-Arab hybrid. My father was born in Haifa, grew up in Jerusalem, lived in Damascus, moved to and died in Beirut where I was born and bred... I have a deep respect and love towards all Arabs not solely for the role they have played in saving the survivors of the Armenian Genocide and hosting them in their countries, but also for their own virtues and first of all for fear of God and the deep rooted sense of rightfulness and justice (haq wa adl)... However, taking into account those criteria, the article of Mr. Shobokshi does not say that he is an Arab at all! Ignoring the minor details, let me point out some of the major misrepresentations in the article: 1. Stating that the Armenians lost "large numbers of relatives in various battles" made me laugh. What a battle it should have been to have 1.5 million dead! Including pregnant women, elderly, children... All in arms!!! 2. You say that "Turkey has taken important steps towards building bridges and having mutual interests with Armenia and improving the standard of living of the Armenian community in Turkey". What improvements are you talking about may I ask? Your statement is like firing in the air. Do you understand under IMPROVEMENT throwing them a bone now and then after having confiscated many of the community's properties, taxed them to the point of destitution just because they are Armenian, or doing everything to hinder even the restoration of community buildings? Will you say the same thing if, for example, the Israelis start distributing some humanitarian aid in Gaza after having made all the Palestinian people refugees in their own homeland? I am sure that the Isrealis would have done a lot more had they killed the millions of Palestinians and reduced them to a community of sixty thousand in Israel... 3. Your statement that "The historic step taken by the Turkish President Abdullah Gul by visiting Armenia and agreeing on some important treaties is still fresh in the memory of many people. Nevertheless, Armenia obstructed the implementation of the agreements signed when it reopened the age-old issue of genocide" is an outright and shameful lie. First of all the rapproachement initiative was that of the Armenian president and the protocols were signed WITH NO PRECONDITIONS. Though Armenia (and the Armenian people in general) has all moral and legal right to be the one to put preconditions, namely that of recognition of the genocide and restitution, for the sake of starting a new page in relations it did not do so contrary to what you say. But this does not mean that the Armenians in general should forget or stop fighting for justice. Would you deny that your neighbour has raped your wife just because you have some business interest with him? AND Armenia only SUSPENDED the ratification process after it became clear that Turkey itself never intended to do so and was using the protocols to blow dust into the eyes of the west and draw precondtions regarding Karabakh, though they were signed WITHOUT PRECONDITIONS... 4. You say that "Turkey is not the Ottoman State in the same way that Germany is not Hitler or Nazism to Israel". WRONG! Germany certainly is not the Nazi Germany simply because it openly repented, apologised and even today continues to compensate for the losses of the Jews. Has Turkey done so? The Turks may not be riding horses or using swords and axes any more, they are more sophisticated and advanced nowadays, but you cannot convince anybody that the state of Turkey is not the Ottoman one still surviving. 5. You say: Many Armenian politicians and businessmen make “odd” statements that cast doubt over the history of the Turks and their ties with others. Well, I did not know that speaking of historical truths is CASTING DOUBT. If you have doubts yourself, just take a ride to Deir el-Zor, I am sure you will have no doubts after that. You can collect truckloads of women's and children's bones, the ones that you state that have died in battle... 6. "There is no room for Armenian weeping in the Arab world." No sir! The Armenians are not weeping any more. They are demanding. The Armenians you mention are citizens of their countries, be it Lebanon, Syria, Jordan or any else. They have a right to demand of their states whatever they wish! They have earned this right with all the big contribution they had in their new homelands, which fortunately you do not deny. 7. "Turkey today is a responsible state that solves the problems of its factions and communities such as the Jews, Christians, and Kurds, in a balanced and rational manner and even the rational Armenians have testified to that." This statement desrves a Nobel Prize for falsification! Go to the Kurds and tell them that they are being treated in a "balanced and rational manner". And about your "rational Armenians" it is like putting a mouse in the cat's cage and telling him to say that he is being treated right otherwise the cat will eat him... Your statement that the Armenians "have long preferred to remain silent about the Israeli massacres against Arabs" is also not true. Just go and read your local Armenian newspapers. What concerns the position of the state of Armenia, I agree that it is not openly opposed to Israel. Personally I disapprove of such a stance but understand the geopolitical tight situation which Armenia is in. After all it's a small country in a fragile position. But have a look around you among your own Arab brethren. One of the giants of the Arab world, Egypt, is it doing any better? I would say much worse. Even the Saudis are playing on both ropes... So please, stop waving the Israeli flag in front of the Armenians' eyes and using it to raise sentiments against Armenians. Sir, having said all this, I would have liked to believe that your article is the result of being misinformed about the history of all this. But I smell a rat here. It seems that you have some business interests with Turkey and doing them a favour in return. Sir, your article in whole is a big piece desecrating the memory of Sharif Hussein the Protector of the Holy Cities who himself had issued a decree to all true Muslims to save the survivors of the genocide. It is like spitting over the graves of those honourable bedouins who saved thousands of children and women from starvation and certain death. I can find only one suitable word to end my letter... Aibishoom (shame on you). Arshak (ibn Zaven) Davidian MD Stepanakert-Republic of Mountainous Karabakh
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Dear editors of Asharq Alawsat and especially Mr. Shobokshi, I am, technically speaking, an Armenian. However when I am asked I usually say that I have Armenian blood and Palestinian-Syrian-Lebanese heart, so you decide for yourself... I could be called an Armeno-Arab hybrid. My father was born in Haifa, grew up in Jerusalem, lived in Damascus, moved to and died in Beirut where I was born and bred... I have a deep respect and love towards all Arabs not solely for the role they have played in saving the survivors of the Armenian Genocide and hosting them in their countries, but also for their own virtues and first of all for fear of God and the deep rooted sense of rightfulness and justice (haq wa adl)... However, taking into account those criteria, the article of Mr. Shobokshi does not say that he is an Arab at all! Ignoring the minor details, let me point out some of the major misrepresentations in the article: 1. Stating that the Armenians lost "large numbers of relatives...